Scent History Archives - Air Aroma

Posts with tag: “Scent History”
25 results found

The Fragrance Wheel: A Guide to Identifying Scents

Understanding Fragrance: A Valuable Skill The ability to discern and appreciate various fragrances is a learned skill and one that anybody can practice to enrich their sensory skills or better comprehend fragrances. Although not strictly mathematical,...

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Delicious Fig Fragrance

Within the wide collection of fragrance notes, there are few scents as luscious and captivating as fig. Often associated with the dreamy elegance of the Mediterranean, fig fragrance offers a transformative experience to a romantic sun-drenched...

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Magical Mimosa

A beautifully sweet and effervescent blossom of delicate yellow pom pom petals lends itself to a sweet honeyed floral aroma of headiness. Mimosa, Acacia, or Cassie all refer to the same plant, Acacia Dealbata, which is...

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Gender in Fragrances

Charming, sparkly, seductive. Radical, raw, noble. For most of modern fragrance’s recorded history, perfume has fallen into two decidedly different camps: female and male. Traditional female oriented fragrances display sweet, floral and fruity notes like strawberry,...

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Scent of An Ancient Queen

Imagine being transported back through time 3,500 years ago to Egypt during a time where women ruled, with leaders Nefertari, Nefertiti, Hatschepsut, and the notorious well-known Cleopatra VII ruling as female pharaohs. It was certainly a...

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What Makes up a Fragrance? Scent DNA

As you might know, your first impression doesn’t always tell the whole story. What you smell is not always indicative of the full scope of the fragrance, as fragrances are nuanced compositions of many ingredients. A...

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Queen of Flowers

Perhaps no flower is more well-known and recognized than rose, as it continues to be an expression of love, a symbol of devotion, and an illustration of femininity. From its rich hues and graceful appearance to...

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Scents and Spices

Warm, sensuous, mysterious, exotic sultry; these are all words often used to describe spicy fragrances. There’s definitely a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that exudes from a spicy scent, they’re often alluring and expressive. Spicy notes are part of...

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Calming Essential Oils

While the restorative properties of essential oils for both fragrant and medicinal purposes were first recognized during ancient Egyptian civilization, it was only during the 1900s when French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé coined the term “aromatherapy” as...

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Le Grand Musee du Parfum

Our sense of smell is one of the most important ways in which we connect with the world around us, it is the sense most closely linked with memory and is also highly emotive with fragrances...

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