‘Love Me’ is an Australian drama series all about love, loss, and the complexity of family relationships, experienced by three separate family members at different stages of life. Directed by Emma Freeman and written by Alison Bell, Leon Ford, Adele Vuko and Blake Ayshford. Premiered on Boxing Day (26 December 2021), it is the first original Australian drama series production of streaming service BINGE.
To celebrate this exciting release of ‘Love Me’, Air Aroma had the pleasure of working alongside Thinkerbell – a creative marketing and advertising agency – to choose an exclusive perfume for BINGE’s ‘Love Me’ TV Show launch.
Thinkerbell recognised scent has the power to trigger memories and influence emotional experiences, heightening brand recognition, connection, and promotion. Their marketing strategy was to amplify a long-lasting connection between the viewers and the show, creating a more impactful experience.
Summer Romance in a Bottle
The aim of the signature scent was to encapsulate the scent of modern Australian summer romance. Displaying elevating sophisticated floral Rose notes, subtle warm tones of Suede with earthy undertones of Vetiver and Frankincense. An engaging ambience of Cedarwood and Sandalwood for a lasting impression. The ‘Love Me’ fragrance transcends your senses back to that feeling of love and lust.